We Are Story Changers
Clinique Acne Solutions help make visibly clearer skin a way of life.
Story Changers
Change Your Story with Clinique Acne Solutions
Clinique Story Changer: Nuy Cho, Beauty Blogger
Clinique Story Changer: Katie, Clinique Consultant
Change Your Story with Clinique Acne Solutions
Clinique Story Changer: Nuy Cho, Beauty Blogger
Clinique Story Changer: Katie, Clinique Consultant
From breakouts to clearer skin: the inside stories.

A Lesson in Cross-Country Skincare
By Katie Amour, The Neo-Traditionalist.com
When I had the opportunity to relocate from California to New York two years ago I was over the moon. I'd grown tired of operating my online magazine remotely and was ecstatic at the thought of finally being part of the action. In Manhattan I could interview my fashion and design idols in person rather than over the phone. At last I'd be networking first hand with the industry greats I'd admired since I was a little girl. It was going to be a momentous step for my career and I was determined to put my best foot forward.
I arrived in New York in the sticky heat of August, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, when an unfortunate thing happened. My skin, which had never given me much trouble, absolutely freaked out. I woke up my second day in town and could barely recognize myself in the bathroom mirror. My face was dry and puffy and my skin alarmingly rough to the touch. I panicked. How on earth was I supposed to meet all these new people looking like this? I was embarrassed to be seen at the corner bodega much less an important industry event. A beauty junkie, I tried to disguise it with makeup, but had little success. This was certainly not the glamorous New York debut I'd imagined myself making.
In a panic I raced to the nearest department store and headed straight to the Clinique counter for a remedy.
I still remember being brought to the Clinique counter as a young girl after convincing my mother to let me wear makeup. She taught me it was a brand I could trust. The specialist explained it was probably my skin adjusting to the east coast weather (hello humidity!) and sent me home with well wishes and a bevy of Clinique products.
I diligently washed my face, slathered on the moisturizer, and breathed a sigh of relief. Almost instantly I saw improvement. Soon enough my puffy, parched skin was a thing of the past and I began to feel like myself again. I was able to attend all the events and photo shoots I'd scheduled that fall looking and feeling my best. It's not always smooth sailing, every once in a while my skin still acts up, but the difference is I now know how to prevent disastrous flare-ups.
Moving across the country taught me countless things, but how to take care of my skin is one of the lessons I'm most grateful for. What had once been an afterthought is now a priority and I step out each morning feeling prettier and more confident because of it.

My Mom Had Perfect Skin, Why Didn't I?
By Natalie Holbrook, HeyNatalieJean.com
I was 12-years-old when my skin started to freak out on me. I went through puberty a little earlier than my friends, and along with it came angry red breakouts. None of my friends were experiencing acne yet, so I was kind of on my own. A hormonal pioneer! It would have been an adventure except it was mostly mortifying.
After a few years my acne got bad enough that my mom decided to make an appointment for me to see a dermatologist. Now, my mother, bless her heart, is a genetic marvel. The woman barely wears a stitch of make up, gives her skin little to no attention, and yet is somehow aging like a fine wine. And yet here was her daughter, her genetic offspring, going through puberty with as much grace as a drunken grizzly bear. She was as sympathetic as she could be, but I could tell that what I was going through was beyond her realm. I was on my own at home, too.
Over the years I tried just about everything. Prescription creams and pills, one doctor even suggested I use straight up rubbing alcohol as a toner to help combat the mess on my face (don't ever do that), but nothing worked. The pills made me nauseous, the creams made my skin red and sensitive, and most of the things I tried just made the break outs worse.
Until one day: There I was at seventeen, my senior year of high school, a pimply, braces-wearing mess. I was awkwardly growing out an impulse pixie cut… the whole thing was fairly tragic. (Pixie cuts are always a bad idea, Natalie.) To make it worse, I had never been kissed, and the boy I'd crushed on for years and who seemed interested in me off and on had just asked another girl to prom—a girl he had flown into town from another state, even. It was just too much. I'd had enough.
I went to the mall and visited the lady at the makeup counter. She gave me a few tricks to accentuate my best features. I went home and I practiced, practiced, practiced.
And then, at school, I just decided I'd act confident. I started flirting with the boys. I laughed more. I'd smile when I'd make eye contact with someone in the halls.
Of course it was all an act. I was feeling every bit as self-conscious and embarrassed by my skin as ever, but I knew that I was doing my best to accentuate the parts of my face that I liked, and I knew I was ready to feel like something besides a walking pimple. I was ready to take charge of my high school experience. A girl's gotta live her life, after all. Pimples or no pimples, I was the one in charge.
I'll have you know I got my first kiss on a Thursday night in June from that boy I'd loved all year with a mouth full of braces and face full of pimples. Nothing had changed, but everything had changed. I had changed.
Since then I've been lucky enough to have really great skin, and so far, I've been lucky enough to take after my mother in the aging department, too. But I never forgot what I learned in high school: I can't control what I look like, but I can control what people see when they look at me. And that's the best feeling.

My Path to Clear Skin — And a Big Smile
By Erin Hiemstra, Apartment34.com
For years growing up I was in an endless fight&mdashwith my face. It was something that taunted me and made me feel terrible every time I looked in the mirror.
You see, I started suffering from breakouts at a very early age—long before most kids became pimply-faced teenagers. As early as age ten, spots started erupting and it was war: my skin against me.
Looking in the mirror first thing each morning revealed the verdict of the previous night's battle.
Did the newest trendy product, home remedy or crazy idea (I remember hearing toothpaste could zap a pimple) come to the rescue this time? Too often the answer was no. And I'd just want to crawl back under the covers and hide. No matter how common acne is, it still has an amazing power to make you feel unattractive, no matter what other wonderful attributes you might have.
We all know that being pretty is more than skin deep and trust me, family members did their best to convince me that no one else noticed my problem skin. But when you spend years coveting the fresh, bright, acne free complexions of your friends, it can often become all you see. Sure I loved being tall, I felt proud about being a good athlete, I even knew I was smart, but I never, ever felt pretty.
Eventually, I kinda gave up. I stopped fighting against my skin. I resigned myself to having a problematic complexion as being a genetic inevitability; there was nothing I could do but try to pile on foundation to try to hide the spots. I focused on other things and went all the way through college never thinking of myself as pretty.
Then, as I hit my late 20s, I finally discovered a skin care routine that worked! And what a different daily reality it was to wake up and not be nervous about what would be on my face. I wish I could say it wasn't a big deal.
I wish I could say having clear skin didn't really matter to me and I felt just as good about myself as I always had – but that wouldn't be the truth. Waking to a clear complexion, not having to worry if I would be breaking out during my next big event or when I’d have my picture taken was truly an amazing feeling. No mater how hard you work to hang onto your inner confidence, when your skin won’t cooperate it’s a struggle.
Realizing it wasn't too late to change my story and that I didn't have to be at the mercy of my face – that instead I could have the skin I always coveted was such a relief! Facing the world with clear skin and a big smile made all the difference for me.
I will always remember that being pretty runs much deeper than someone's complexion – but I will always cherish having good skin—and feeling fabulous about how I look everyday because of it.
Finding your way to clear skin is definitely better late, than never!!

The Pint-Size Facialist
By Amber Katz, Rouge18.com
When I was only five or six years old, I bartered with my brother over skin care. Five years my senior, my brother wasn't too keen on the idea, but this was our deal: I would agree to be privy to hours of boy, action cartoons in the shared TV room. In exchange, he would let me give him a "face treatment," which was a rudimentary facial, including cleansing and several masks.
Gradually, the face treatments I was giving to my brother, my friends and myself became more in-depth, as I learned about the importance of astringents (this was the '90s by the way) scrubs and blemish removers of various sorts. My favorite activity was "sending away" for free skin care items from various beauty magazines, checking out the latest drugstore offerings and going to the department store beauty counters with my mom.
My beauty fascination started with skin care and I'm grateful to have learned how to take care of my skin starting at such a young age. I became obsessed with finding products and ingredients tailored to a particular need or condition, to give skin what was required to look its best.
Pampering my skin with soothing moisturizers, acne-prevention topical items and cleansers also helps me relax and enjoy a little "me time," a ritual deeply important to me, even today. Taking the time to care for my skin—morning and night—and giving it what it needs makes me feel more confident as a result. After all, it’s what’s on the inside that counts, and looking good is all about feeling good, too.

Learning Patience — And to Love My Skin
By Karen Monterichard, MakeupandBeautyBlog.com
In my teens and 20s, my chin and jawline were the parts of my face I could always count on to behave. Acne rarely made an appearance there—which seemed strange because I'd had bouts of acne on my forehead and chin since the age of 12 or 13.
But my chin had always been smooth and breakout-free. No drama. It was like my metaphorical safe place at a time when a raging pimple party was happening on the rest of my face.
But then something happened around the time I turned 36. A switch flipped, and suddenly I was getting breakouts along my jawline and chin.
But then something happened around the time I turned 36. A switch flipped, and suddenly I was getting breakouts along my jawline and chin.
It was so frustrating having to deal with acne 1) at 36 and 2) where I'd never seen pimples before. I started turning to the side in my blog pictures and wearing my hair down to hide the worst spots.
On the one hand, I guess I got pretty good at disguising my acne with makeup, and I learned a lot of lessons along the way, but it still hit my self-esteem hard. On the worst days, I felt self-conscious and didn't want to leave the house without a full face of makeup.
I had to get it under control, so I ended up trying a bunch of different products, both prescription and over-the-counter, and also experimenting with changes in my diet.
On the one hand, I guess I got pretty good at disguising my acne with makeup, and I learned a lot of lessons along the way, but it still hit my self-esteem hard. On the worst days, I felt self-conscious and didn't want to leave the house without a full face of makeup.
I had to get it under control, so I ended up trying a bunch of different products, both prescription and over-the-counter, and also experimenting with changes in my diet.
These days, I still get the occasional renegade pimple on my chin, but things are more or less clear, and I feel good again about my skin.
When it comes to skin and breakouts, I can't pretend it's not a struggle. Anyone who says it doesn't matter either has great skin, or thicker skin than I. If you're going through a rough patch with acne, I understand, and you're not alone. It's beyond frustrating, I know, but try to be kind to yourself and patient. It takes time, and sometimes a lot of trial and error, but you'll get there. You will.

A Family Affair: Generations of Skincare Tips
By Nuy Cho, NuyBeauty.com
I never gave much thought to my skin until my very first blemish emerged at 14-years-old. In Korean culture, skin is cherished; it's seen as core to a woman’s beauty. So as soon as my skin started to break out, my mother took me to the nearest Clinique counter and bought me the 3-step program. She told me from that day on I needed to wash my face morning and night.
Some daughters shop with their moms for prom dresses as a rite of passage, but this was my moment. My mother was always adamant about what happened to my pores, my cell turnover, even their color. I kid you not. Even now, my mother still calls me to check in on my skin.
The skin regimen goes back another generation to my maternal grandmother who created a beauty legacy grounded in confidence.
My grandmother was the kind of woman who wore lipstick until the day she died. Even as she battled cancer, she'd sashay around her home with her ostomy bag, wrapped in Christmas paper and shiny bows like a purse. She, too, guided my skin. She'd walk with me, even in difficult health, to the glistening cosmetics counters of Seoul to see the newest skin care lines. She'd advise me on step-by-step approaches to nurturing even the most microscopic blemish.
My struggles with acne heightened during two phases of adulthood. During grad school I woke up one day to a strawberry patch of pimples all over my face, so bad that I burst into tears. Of course I called my Mom for advice. Then I struggled with acne again when I was pregnant with my daughter. My hormones had gone amuck and threw a pimple party on my face. I called Mom again. She quieted my tears—reminding me that I had stress and/or pregnancy hormones. She stressed to not pick at the blemishes or I'd scar. But most importantly she said the golden words: They'll go away, they're not here to stay.
I realized that it's important to value the natural assets you're born with. It might sound cliché, but as women we don’t do that nearly enough. I understood this more after becoming a mother.
When we endure a breakout, we imagine that all people see are bright, red bumps, when in reality others probably don't them as badly as you do they may not see them all.
If we can remind ourselves that acne is, in the grand scheme of things, just a blip in the radar, we can ease our anxiety while treating our skin. Compared to all our other wonderful, beautiful assets, acne is like a passing shower; not here to stay. Remind yourself of what you’ve got inside—It's good, getting better, and you know it.
Then smile, move from the mirror, and have a good day.
Meet the Acne Solutions Team.
Our Clear Skin System delivers 37% clearer skin in just 3 days. Clinically proven on active blemishes.

All clear! How life is different with clearer skin.

Megan Schwitz
23, Henderson, NV
Having acne made me feel...very insecure. The more breakouts I have, the less confidence I have.
Have you found that you’re using less makeup?
Yes, I have! Since I don't have as much red in my skin and the little bumps are gone, I feel like I can use less makeup. I am loving how my skin looks. It has never looked this good before!
Would you tell your friends about this system?
Absolutely! I have sensitive skin and it's hard for me to find an acne system that I can use without it making my skin feel like sandpaper. This system actually works and doesn't dry your skin out. I could see it working within a few days. I am telling everyone to use it. I love it!

Keri Smith
24, Stockton, IL
Breakouts stopped me from...being myself in social situations because I think [people] are staring at my acne marks. I just want to feel confident with or without makeup, I want to feel like myself at all times, and I don't want to think people only see my acne.
The best part of using this system is...
It works!! I'm not just saying that either....I've used so many different acne treatments and nothing has worked for me. I've been using this for a WEEK and I've never seen better results. I've always been a Clinique user but now I'm like sold for life. Nothing compares.
If you were to go back and talk to yourself when your skin was at it's worst, what would you say?
Things will get better. Just be patient and keep trying things until you find something that works for you...which in my case is Clinique! I'm obsessed now and will always use this

Kaitlyn White
19, Matlacha, FL
With clear skin I'm able to...feel good about my self. And go more places without feeling embarrassed.
The best compliment I've ever received was...
Wow, your skin looks amazing.
Now that I have clear skin I feel...
Pretty, confident, and able to be myself again.

Sarah Jackson
30, Murfreesboro, TN
Breakouts stopped me from...being in pictures with friends. If my face is really broken out I will use the excuse that I don't like my picture being taken or I'm not photogenic.
My favorite makeup tip is...always curl your eyelashes! It makes such a difference.
With clearer skin...I'm able to leave the house without foundation!
Would you tell your friends about the system? Definitely! I have already recommended it to my mom who I inherited my skin issues from. I feel this is one of the best systems I have tried on my skin...please don't stop making it!

April Hargan
35, Fort Wayne, IN
Having acne made me feel...Pretty horrible. Ironically I never had any breakouts as a teenager. Now in my mid-30s I've been breaking out. I feel like I have to try to hide from the breakouts and I really hate it.
Now that I have clear skin I feel...more confident. For a while I felt like I was going backwards. I never had any skin concerns as a teenager or in my 20s. Now in my mid-30s, I've had more breakouts than I've ever had before. I'm glad to have found something that helps.
Would you tell your friends about the system? I would tell my friends to use this system. It is easy to use and it works. What is better than that?

Andi Robbins
27, Phoenix, AZ
Breakouts stopped me from...being comfortable without makeup on. Even at home, I hate for my boyfriend to see me with completely bare skin.
Has anyone commented on your skin? Who was it, and what did they say? My boyfriend has commented on how beautiful my skin looks. He says that I don't even need to wear makeup.
Have you found that you're using less makeup? I have! I still use my BB cream, because that has my SPF, but I don't feel like I really need anything more! And when I do use my cream powder, it goes on so smoothly, and I use so much less!
Would you tell your friends about the system? Why? Absolutely!! My face is a hot mess of sensitivity, irritability, dryness and oiliness. And somehow, the Clinique acne system has managed to clear up my crazy skin without upsetting it! Best product I've used!

Beverly Livingston,
24, Chula Vista, CA
The best part of using the system is...that I never thought I could have clear skin. My skin is transforming before my eyes and it is like getting a new beginning in life. I have tried [other systems] and did not enjoy the experience or get the results that Clinique is giving me. I am blown away!
When I look back on how my skin was, compared to now...I am in love! My skin is incredible all over. I used to look in the mirror and envy my cheeks for having no acne while the rest of my face was blemished. But now all of my skin is clear and healthy!
Do you think you'll continue to use the system? Why? Now that I have clear skin I feel...inspired to take on more things! I feel more like the person I was meant to be and this has helped me to feel more confident in every aspect of my life.

Amanda Carroll,
23, Wilmington, NC
Having acne made me feel...less confidant, I feel like people are staring at my blemishes.
The best part of using the system is... dedication. You need to commit to it, and you will see results. Just three easy steps twice a day, and you can have clear skin!
If you were to go back and talk to yourself when your skin was at it's worst, what would you say? Don't forget to wash your face twice a day, it makes all the difference.
Do you think you'll continue to use the system? Why? I will most definitely continue to use this system, Now that I have clear skin, I can't imagine life any other way.

Kayla Usery,
30, Elkmont, AL
Having acne made me feel less confident in my job. I am a high school teacher and when I have a breakout I feel like hiding behind my desk! I'm 30 years old now. Shouldn't this acne be gone by now?
The big part of using this system is the clarifying lotion. It takes a little extra time, but the amount of dirt that it removes is amazing!
If you were to go back and talk to yourself when your skin was at it's worst, what would you say?
I would tell myself to wash your face in the morning! I've always washed my face at night, but because I take a shower in the morning I didn't bother with washing my face with an acne face wash.
I would tell myself to wash your face in the morning! I've always washed my face at night, but because I take a shower in the morning I didn't bother with washing my face with an acne face wash.
Acne Causes
What causes acne?
It starts with a pore that’s clogged by excess oil, trapped in by dead skin flakes. Makeup left on overnight. Sweat, dirt, even the hand you rest your chin on. Each clogged pore is home to acne-causing agents. The longer a pore is clogged, the more these agents multiply. The result? Pimples.
Are there different types of Acne breakouts?
Yes—and knowing which one you have can help you find the right treatment faster.
Blackheads: Pores are clogged near the skin’s surface, and air causes the pore contents to darken.
Whiteheads: Pores are clogged below the skin’s surface and appear as white bumps.
Blemishes: These red, irritated and sometimes painful bumps occur when blemish-causing agents become trapped in pores.
Cysts: This inflammation in or near the oil gland is quite painful and can take a long time to surface. You may want to consult a dermatologist.
Blackheads: Pores are clogged near the skin’s surface, and air causes the pore contents to darken.
Whiteheads: Pores are clogged below the skin’s surface and appear as white bumps.
Blemishes: These red, irritated and sometimes painful bumps occur when blemish-causing agents become trapped in pores.
Cysts: This inflammation in or near the oil gland is quite painful and can take a long time to surface. You may want to consult a dermatologist.
Why do I have adult acne?
The hormonal surges that cause acne in teens can also be the culprit later in life. First, when female hormones peak between the ages of 25 to 30. During menopause oil glands become active again. Blemishes often result.
Does stress cause breakouts?
Sure. The hormones associated with stress can cause an increase in oil production, which then leads to more breakouts. So make time to relax and do things you enjoy every day.
Is my diet to blame?
There’s no proven link between foods that are commonly believed to be the culprits behind acne, like chocolate and fried food. However, hormones most directly influence oil-production levels.
Can the wrong moisturizer make me break out?
Absolutely. Ditto the wrong makeup. Using the wrong products for your skin type can clog pores, which can lead to breakouts. Since all skins need daily essential hydration (yes, even oily, acne-prone skins), we suggest a lightweight, oil-free hydrator like Acne Solutions All-Over Clearing Treatment. Or, for a non-acne hydrator, try Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel. It should help keep skin comfortably hydrated.
How to treat
How do I fight acne?
This is the easy part. You start with gentle exfoliation to open clogged pores. Oxygen evicts acne-causing agents. Medicated ingredients rush in to accelerate treatment. Voilà!—clearer skin. The idea is to get immediate breakouts under control, then stop problems before they erupt—with a consistent, daily regimen that’s non-irritating.
Why Clinique’s Clear Skin System?
First, it uses two proven acne medications—salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide—to deliver a one-two punch. Another benefit: These formulas are fragrance free—eliminating one of skin’s most common irritants—and allergy tested. They help keep skin out of trouble. And they are formulated to work as a team.
How long do I have to use the System?
It depends. You’ll see a 37% improvement in 3 days on active blemishes, and then it just keeps getting better. Continue to use it as long as you see improvement. If you love your results—and your skin—you may be ready to change your skin care routine. Chat with a Clinique Expert now to find out what’s right for you.
Is there a correct way to wash skin?
Generally, lukewarm water and a medicated cleanser twice a day are all you need for acne-prone skin. We also suggest using a makeup remover first if you’re wearing foundation. Makeup left on skin could clog pores and prevent treatments from working optimally. Some incorrect ways: using anything harsh, like a loofah, that could further irritate skin. Plus, if you’ve been using a loofah on your body, you risk spreading bacteria to your face. And excessive washing and scrubbing will only aggravate skin.
I have acne on my back—I want it gone…now!
Not to worry. Acne Solutions Cleansing Bar For Face and Body helps clear and prevent breakouts on your back, arms and chest.
Help! I have an acne emergency.
We’re all too familiar with the pimple that comes at the worst possible time. Don’t panic. After daily care, dab on Acne Solutions Emergency Gel-Lotion or Spot Healing Gel. Follow with Acne Solutions Liquid Makeup. For touch-ups during the day, keep Acne Solutions Clearing Concealer handy.
I’ve heard the sun can clear up acne. True?
Pure myth. In fact, sun may actually trigger breakouts. Plus, some acne treatments make you more sensitive to sunlight. The other common myth that sunscreen makes you break out? Also untrue. UVA/UVB protection is essential. Just be sure to choose a lightweight, oil-free formula.
What can I do about post-acne marks?
Inflammation—like we see with acne—can cause skin to darken or leave post-acne marks. (This is one of the biggest reasons not to pop your pimples!) With Even Better Clinical Dark Spot Corrector, you’ll see a visible reduction in dark spots, including acne scars in just 4 weeks. See a 58% improvement at 12 weeks.
Hands off for better skin.
Keep hands, hair and other potential irritants away from your face. The strap on a bike helmet, holding the telephone receiver against your cheek, even cupping your chin in your hand can transmit bacteria and oil, irritating skin and leading to breakouts.
Keep hair care products in your hair.
Be mindful when applying hair styling products since they can migrate to your face, potentially clogging pores around your hairline. And be sure to include the hairline in your skin care routine.
Clear-Skin Makeup Tutorial
Your step-by-step guide to flawless skin. Follow along or skip ahead to your concern.
Prep & Prime.
Makeup only looks as good as the skin underneath. Cleanse, exfoliate and hydrate to sweep away pesky flakes and oil that cause makeup to “cake up.”
Then use a primer to prep for makeup application and wear. A primer with a green base can reduce redness caused by breakouts. Deeper skin tones may breakout in the form of dark spots. In this case, use a bronze tinted primer.
Then use a primer to prep for makeup application and wear. A primer with a green base can reduce redness caused by breakouts. Deeper skin tones may breakout in the form of dark spots. In this case, use a bronze tinted primer.
Different concealers have different benefits. Just like foundation, you should look for a concealer that is formulated to treat and cover breakouts.
To help cover blemishes or redness, select a concealer that is one shade lighter than your skin. Using a concealer brush or cotton tip, lightly pat and blend concealer on and around the concern area.
To help cover blemishes or redness, select a concealer that is one shade lighter than your skin. Using a concealer brush or cotton tip, lightly pat and blend concealer on and around the concern area.
A foundation customized for acne-prone skin can help treat while you’re covering up. Seek makeups that contain ingredients such as salicylic acid and help control oil like Clinique Acne Solutions Liquid Makeup.
Apply foundation or concealer to concern areas first, keeping the application as light as possible to ensure a natural look. Gently pat on with a foundation brush or fingertips versus applying with long strokes. This will lessen the chance of irritation and help build coverage.
Apply foundation or concealer to concern areas first, keeping the application as light as possible to ensure a natural look. Gently pat on with a foundation brush or fingertips versus applying with long strokes. This will lessen the chance of irritation and help build coverage.
Powder sets and perfects makeup, and can help make pores seem to disappear.
If you’ve already applied foundation to provide coverage, keep powder application light. For a sheer, natural finish, use a loose powder or pressed powder with a brush. Lightly tap powder over entire face and blend to hairline to soften the edges. Sweep away all excess powder with the same brush.
If you’ve already applied foundation to provide coverage, keep powder application light. For a sheer, natural finish, use a loose powder or pressed powder with a brush. Lightly tap powder over entire face and blend to hairline to soften the edges. Sweep away all excess powder with the same brush.
If you’re worried about the texture of acne scars or enlarged pores Pore Refining Solutions Instant Perfector is a must-have. Pores appear more than 50% smaller—instantly. Apply using a clean fingertip, or concealer brush.
If a breakout is distracting you, highlight your features with dramatic eyes, neutral-toned cheeks and a natural lip.
Set makeup.
A cool mist of hydration can set makeup in a flash—try Moisture Surge Extra Face Spray Thirsty Skin Relief. Hold 10-15 inches from face and spray.
Keep brushes clean, daily or weekly using a brush cleanser or facial cleanser. Clinique brushes are treated with a patented antimicrobial technology that helps protect against growth of mold, mildew and bacteria to ensure a high level of hygiene.